Pulse Crops- What Are They and How They Can Help Feed the Masses?

Posted by Gentle Processing™ on Apr 17, 2019

Food shortages around the world have reached an epic level. Every country has impoverished people. It is currently estimated that over 700 million people in the world over fall below the poverty line of their respective nation. Those numbers are frightening enough and there are many organizations working to end hunger in various countries, but we can do more. Feeding people is not about canned food drives raising awareness through some outrageous fundraiser. It actually all comes down to pulse crops, but what are pulse crops and how can they help put an end to world hunger?

What Are Pulse Crops?

Pulse crops encompass legumes that can be harvested for their seeds. The seeds are then dried for use in a variety of dishes or eaten completely on their own. Pulse crops include field peas, lentils, chickpeas, fava beans, mung beans, soybeans, and lupin.

Packed with Protein

Hungry nations often lack available protein. Traditional protein rich ingredients tend to be primarily meat based, but meat is quite expensive and not an option for vegetarians. Pulse crops are packed with protein without the high expense of traditional meat-based foods. Protein in foods not only is an essential nutrient for hormone and enzyme balance of the body, but also allows people to feel full after eating. Those who do not maintain some level of protein in their food often eat more due to this factor. Less food with more of a nutritional impact is what pulse crops are all about.

Ideal of Pregnancy

Pregnant mothers must ensure their diet is substantially nutrient rich to have a healthy baby. However, pregnant women may not be getting enough nutrients if they lack protein. One of the most vital nutrients for a healthy pregnancy is folic acid. This enzyme helps the fetus grow and wards off possible birth defects. Doctors the world over push for pregnant women to get more folate in their diet, but many merely take supplements rather than managing healthy foods. Where supplements have their place, it is pulse crops that truly pack the folic acid punch a pregnant woman needs.

Easily Adaptable

When moving from one country to the next, tastes and food preferences change. The beauty of pulse crops is that they are adaptable to practically any style of food. Fava beans, lentils, lupin, soybeans, and other dried beans can be spiced up or toned down to account for the flavors people want with nutrients their body needs.

Processing Pulse Crops

Pulse crops are nature’s gift to the world, but as with every plant, proper processing procedures must be adhered to. Processing pulse crops includes drying the product. Gentle™ Processing offers a better environmentally safe way to process pulse crops for all. Our process includes a drying method that eliminates the possibility of contamination making the crops safer for export. Gentle Processing also ensures that essential nutrients remain locked within each product without the degradation that excess heat can cause. Trust Gentle Processing™, a better way to process all the foods you love!